Exploratory Data Analysis and Hypothesis Testing - Loan Prediction

Problem Statement:

About Company
Dream Housing Finance company deals in all home loans. They have presence across all urban, semi urban and rural areas. Customer first apply for home loan after that company validates the customer eligibility for loan.

Company wants to automate the loan eligibility process (real time) based on customer detail provided while filling online application form. These details are Gender, Marital Status, Education, Number of Dependents, Income, Loan Amount, Credit History and others. To automate this process, they have given a problem to identify the customers segments, those are eligible for loan amount so that they can specifically target these customers. 

The objective of this project is to do “Exploratory Analysis” and “Hypothesis Testing” on the features of this dataset to find various insights as to how each feature affects the chances of getting a loan.

The Loan Prediction dataset consists of 613 customer details and 13 features.
Unique Loan ID
Male/ Female
Applicant married (Y/N)
Number of dependents
Applicant Education (Graduate/ Under Graduate)
Self employed (Y/N)
Applicant income
Coapplicant income
Loan amount in thousands
Term of loan in months
credit history meets guidelines
Urban/ Semi Urban/ Rural
Loan approved (Y/N) --> Target Variable

Exploratory Data Analysis
1.1   Univariate Analysis
        Categorical Features:

Numerical Features:
1. Applicant Income:

    2. Coapplicant Income:

    3. Loan Amount:


1.2 Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis
Categorical Features:

   1. Property Area vs Loan Status:         
Question: is there an association between getting a Loan and the Property Area?
Since, P(A) != P(A/B), we can conclude that there is an association between getting a loan and the property area. The probability of getting a loan, regardless of property area, is 68.7%.
However, examination of a contingency table containing both Loan Status and Property area showed that the conditional probability of getting a loan changes by property area.
Visual examination of the barplot shows the conditional probabilities of getting a loan are not equal across Property areas.

      2. Credit History vs Loan Status:                                                                  
Question: is there an association between getting a Loan and Credit History?

Since, P(A) != P(A/B), there is an association between getting a loan and the credit history. The probability of getting a loan, regardless of credit history, is 68.7%.
However, conditional probability showed that getting a loan changes by credit history.
From the barplot, it is very clear that those customers who have a credit card stands a better chance for getting a loan. We will do some statistical tests to confirm this assumption later on this project.

   3.  Education vs Loan Status:                                                                       
Question: is there an association between getting a Loan and Education?
Since, P(A) != P(A/B), we can assume that there is an association between getting a loan and the Education. Although, the difference is just 9%, a statistical test would be helpful to confirm this assumption.

   4. Loan Amount Term vs Loan Status:                                                          
Question: is there an association between getting a Loan and Loan Amount Term?
Since, P(A) != P(A/B), there seems to be an association. This needs to be confirmed with some statistical tests.
NOTE: Loan Term was divided into 3 bins:                                                                

low[0-160 months], medium[160-320 months], high[320-500 months] 

   5. Dependents VS Loan Status:                                                                         
Question: is there an association between getting a Loan and Dependents?
For Dependents == 0, P(A) = P(A/B), whereas, others seems to have an association.

   6. Self Employed vs Loan Status:                                                                  
Question: is there an association between getting a Loan and Self Employment?
Since P(A) is almost equal to P(A/B). Our initial assumption would be that there is no association between these two.
Need to conduct a statistical test to confirm.

   7. Gender vs Loan Status:                                                                               
Question: is there an association between getting a Loan and Gender?
Since P(A) and P(A/B) are almost equal, we would assume that there is no association between these two. A statistical test would confirm our assumption.

   8. Married vs Loan Status:                                                                               
Question: is there an association between getting a Loan and Married?
There is a difference of around 9%, so we would assume that there is an association. A statistical test would confirm their significance.

   Numerical Features:
   1. ApplicantIncome, CoApplicantIncome  vs  LoanAmount:
Question: Does Loan Amount applied increases with increase in Applicant & Co-Applicant Incomes?
Correlation factor for ApplicantIncome and LoanAmount accounts for 0.57, whereas for Co-applicant Income, it is very poor [just 0.18].
As we saw in Univariate analysis, there were few outliers, i.e. observations having standard deviations higher than 3. Lets delete those and recheck the correlation factors.

We can only see a slight improvement for Co-applicant Income, increasing to 0.26, whereas for ApplicantIncomes, it decreased by 0.05

Numerical – Categorical Features:
1. LoanAmount, ApplicantIncome, Co-ApplicantIncome  vs  Loan Status:
By comparing both summaries, it is seen that there is no enough evidence that getting a loan or not getting a loan is purely based on Income Range or loan amount,as the means are almost same.
Although the standard deviations varies a lot, this is due to variation in count.
We need to conduct some statistical tests to determine whether there is actually any significance between the two groups.

2. Education VS Applicant Income:     
Question: Does Graduates have higher chances of getting a high Salary?
By comparing both the groups, initial assumption would be that a graduate has more chances of getting a higher salary than a non-graduate.

Hypothesis Testing 
1. Property Area  vs Loan Status:
As we saw in Bivariate Analysis that the conditional probability of getting a loan is not equal across different property area.
So now we need to conduct a statistical test to confirm this assumption.

Null hypothesis: every property area has equal chances of getting a loan; [m1 == m2]
Alternate hypothesis : not equal chances; [m1 != m2]

2. Credit History vs Loan Status:
As we saw in Bivariate Analysis that the conditional probability of getting a loan is not equal across different credit history.

Null hypothesis           : equal chances of getting a loan for different credit history
Alternate hypothesis : not equal chances

3. Education  vs  Loan Status:
We assumed that there is an association between getting a loan and Education, with a difference of just 9% in conditional probabilities.

Null hypothesis         : equal chances of getting a loan for different education background
Alternate hypothesis : not equal chances

4. Dependents  vs  Loan Status:
Earlier we found that except dependents = 0, others had an association with Loan Status.

Null hypothesis          : equal chances of getting a loan for different no. of Dependents
Alternate hypothesis : not equal chances

5. Loan Amount Term  vs  Loan Status:
Earlier we divided the Loan Amount Term into 3 categories and through bivariate tests we assumed that there is actually an association with getting a loan.
Lets confirm that assumption.

Null hypothesis          : equal chances of getting a loan for different Loan Term
Alternate hypothesis : not equal chances

6. Self Employed  vs  Loan Status:
Earlier we assumed that there is no association between Self_Employed and Loan Status.

Null hypothesis          : equal chances of getting a loan for Self_employment
Alternate hypothesis : not equal chances

7. Gender  vs  Loan Status:

Null hypothesis          : equal chances of getting a loan for Gender
Alternate hypothesis : not equal chances

8. Married  vs  Loan Status:
Earlier we saw that probability of getting a loan for married people was high by around 9%.

Null hypothesis         : equal chances of getting a loan for Married
Alternate hypothesis : not equal chances

9. ApplicantIncome, CoapplicantIncome, LoanAmount  vs  LoanStatus:
As we saw in bivariate analysis, there is no enough evidence that getting a loan or not getting a loan is purely based on Income Range or loan amount, as the means are      almost same. Lets conduct t-test taking into account the incomes and loan amounts against loan status.

Null Hypothesis          : customers with loan_status == yes and those whose loan_status == no, have equal mean Applicant Income /Coapplicant Income/LoanAmount
Alternate hypothesis : not equal mean
In all the above cases, we fail to reject the null hypothesis as p-values > 0.05

We did Exploratory data Analysis on the features of this dataset and saw how each feature is distributed. We also calculated probabilities to prove an association among the Independent variables and the Target variable. And based on the results, we assumed whether or not there is an association.

Lastly, Statistical Tests were conducted so as to confirm or deny the assumptions we made.


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