Natural Language Processing - Project 1
The objective of this project
is to “Predict the Rating” of food products with the help of customer’s
The Amazon Fine Food Reviews dataset consists of 568,454 food
reviews Amazon users left up to October 2012.
The features of this dataset are as follows:
Since the data which is provided
is very large, in order to reduce our training time, only 10% of the data was
taken for this project, i.e. 56846 customer reviews.
NOTE: the distribution of data for this 10% is similar
for every “Score Category” as compared to the whole data.
The features that will be used
for this project are:
Text - customer’s
Score - rating
between 1 and 5
Exploratory Data Analysis:
After analyzing the score or
rating given by customers, it was discovered that majority of the ratings
belong to Star Category 4 and 5, about 80%.
Then, WordClouds were constructed
to analyze words i.e. how customers described the products for every Rating
Reviews with 1 and 2 ratings
contains a lot of negative words, while rating 3 contains a mix of negative as
well as positive words.
In contrast, 4 and 5 ratings
mostly contains positive words, as expected.
As a part of EDA, factor
analysis was done on the review text, i.e. finding the average lengths of
tokens for each Rating Category with respect to the average lengths of full
text review. It was observed that after preprocessing the reviews by stemming,
removing stopwords and removing punctuation by Regular expression operations,
the average lengths of tokens are almost same for all Rating Categories.
Data Preparation:
Original Dataset contains 568,454
food reviews Amazon users left up to October 2012. And only 10% data (i.e.
56846 reviews) were considered with same data distribution as in original
dataset for this project to reduce the training time.
Splitting the new data into training and testing set:
Training data : consists of 70% data, i.e. 39,792 reviews
Testing data :
consists of 30% data, i.e. 17,054 reviews
Steps for data (text review)
1. Removed
punctuation with the help of Regular Expression Operations.
2. Converted to
lower case and splitted every word.
3. Lemmatization
4. Removed stopwords
5. Joined back
Recall : ratio of a number of events you can correctly recall to a number of all correct events.
If you can recall
all 10 events correctly,
then, your recall ratio is 1.0 (100%).
If you can recall 7 events
correctly out of 10 events, your recall ratio is 0.7 (70%).
Precision : ratio of a number of events you can correctly recall to a number all events you recall (mix of correct and wrong recalls).
In other words, it is how precise is your recall.
If 15 events are predicted as
correct, out of which 10 events are correctly recalled, and 5 are wrong then
precision score is [10/(10+5)], i.e. 66.67%.
Part 1: Bag of
Words Models
Bag of words is a simple
representation of a bag full of words, ignoring the grammar and even word order
but keeping word multiplicity. Occurrence of every word is taken into account
and is used as a feature for training a classifier.
Example: John likes to watch movies. Mary likes movies too.
John also likes to watch
football games.
Based on these two text a
list is created with unique words:
Occurrence in Sentence 1 and Sentence 2 respectively:
Occurrence in Sentence 1 and Sentence 2 respectively:
“John” “likes” “to”
“watch” “movies” “Mary”
“too” “also” “football”
1 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
In Scikit-learn, this can be
done using CountVectorizer(). It converts a collection of text documents to a matrix
of token counts.
For the baseline bag of words
models, ngram is kept at (1,1) and max_features at 1000.
Max_features : only considers the top max_features ordered
by term frequency across the corpus.
ngram_range :
will be explained later in this report.
RandomForestClassifier with a precision score of 76.2%, varying by just 1.2% and a recall of 69.12% with a variance of 11.7%, clearly outperforms the other models.
RandomForestClassifier with a precision score of 76.2%, varying by just 1.2% and a recall of 69.12% with a variance of 11.7%, clearly outperforms the other models.
NOTE: From the workflow diagram, the model that performs
best in Bag of Words Models will be taken forward, in this case it is
Part 2: Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency Analysis
(tf – idf)
This is a numerical statistic that is intended
to reflect how important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus. It is often used as a weighting factor.
goal of using tf-idf instead of the raw frequencies of occurrence of a token in
a given document is to scale down the impact of tokens that occur very
frequently in a given corpus and that are hence empirically less informative
than features that occur in a small fraction of the training corpus.
tf(t) = (number of times term ‘t’
appears in a document) / (total number of terms in a document)
idf(t) = log_e [(total number of documents) / (number of documents with
term ‘t’ on it)]
Suppose there are 10,000,000 documents. Consider a particular document has 100
words and the term “cat” appears 3 times in that document. And, there are
Total 1000 documents where
the term “cat” appears.
Now, tf(t) = 3 /
100 =
And, idf(t) =
log(10,000,000 / 1000) = 4
Therefore, tf-idf(t)
= 4 * 0.03 = 0.12
Similarly, another term
“liked” appeared 20 times in that document of 100 words and this term appeared
in total 1500 documents out of 10,000,000.
tf(t) = 20/100
= 0.2
And, idf(t) =
log(10,000,000 / 1500) = 3.82
Therefore, tf-idf(t)
= 3.82 * 0.2 = 0.76
As we can see, the tf-idf
value for term “liked” is much higher than the term “cat”, that means the term
“liked” appeared more number of times and hence is less informative than “cat”.
Scikit-learn, this can be done by TfidfTransformer().
Here we trained a RandomForestClassifier with
different learners, i.e. 100, 500 and 1000.
RandomForest with 1000 learners performed
slightly better than the others. Comparing this model with the Bag of Words
model, we notice that there has been a slight increase in Recall value, which
is good. Also Precision value decreased by 3% with a decrease in precision
variance as well.
Part 3: “ngram” Analysis
An n-gram is
a contiguous sequence of n items from a given sequence of text or speech. The items can be phonemes, syllables, letters, words or base pairs according to the application. The n-grams
typically are collected from a text or speech corpus.
An n-gram
of size 1 is referred to as a "unigram", size 2 is a "bigram", size 3 is a "trigram" and so on.
Why “n-gram” is
Lets take an
example, “ Red, not blue “ ,
now this sentence means that it is actually color Red and not blue.
when we take 1-gram (uni-gram), after removing punctuation, each word will be a
token, i.e. “Red”
“not” “blue”. The whole meaning of the original
sentence is gone.
when we take 2-gram (bi-gram), we get tokens “Red not” “not blue” , in this case the token “not blue” still
maintains the true meaning of the original sentence.
(1,2) - gram, we get single as well as double tokens, i.e. “Red” “not” “blue”
“Red not” “not blue” , with this we can keep the actual
meaning of the original, also divide each word into a token for the machine to
is how “ngram” helps in understanding deeper meanings of texts or corpus.
Scikit-learn, “ngram” can be accessed from the CountVectorizer() method.
Here we trained
the RandomForestClassifier with uni-gram, bi-gram, tri-gram and uni-bi-gram.
bi-gram and tri-gram models performed very poorly. In contrast, uni-gram and
uni-bi-gram models have higher precision and recall values, with almost similar
take Uni-gram model as our best performing model, since its precision and
recall values are slightly higher than the other by 0.1%
summarize our best performing Model for this exercise.
RandomForestClassifier() { n_estimators: 1000 }
CountVectorizer() { 1. Max_features = 1000
2. ngram_range = (1,1) }
Matrix Classification Report
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