
Showing posts from October, 2017

Cluster Analysis - Project 1

Problem Statement:     In this project, we will mainly concentrate on clustering customers from the YPedia homepage search data , find out various insights  and patterns of customer behavior and solve few business related queries. Section 1 : Handling Missing Data Section 2 : Exploratory Data Ananlysis and Feature Engineering Section 3 :    3.1    Find out Under-performing and Out-performing Marketing Channels.                         3.2    Perform A/B Test on the Out-performing Channels.       Section 4 : K - means Clustering:                  4.1   What is the optimal number of Clusters for this data?                 4.2   Descriptive Analysis of all the Clusters in terms of booking rate.               ...

Natural Language Processing - Project 1

Introduction: The objective of this project is to “Predict the Rating” of food products with the help of customer’s reviews. Dataset: The Amazon Fine Food Reviews dataset consists of 568,454 food reviews Amazon users left up to October 2012. The features of this dataset are as follows: Since the data which is provided is very large, in order to reduce our training time, only 10% of the data was taken for this project, i.e. 56846 customer reviews. NOTE : the distribution of data for this 10% is similar for every “Score Category” as compared to the whole data. The features that will be used for this project are:        Text    -     customer’s reviews       Score -     rating between 1 and 5          Exploratory Data Analysis: After analyzing the score or rating given by customers, it was discovered that majority of the ratings belon...